Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9th: Classroom Expectations & Links

If you are former, current, or prospective student of mine then you might be interested in my blog entry for today. I have taught for 6 years now, going on 7 and most of my career in education has been spent with middle schoolers. Yes, the age where all outsiders I come in contact with seem to shriek when I explain to them the level of students I teach on a daily basis. The say things like "Oh my gosh! How can you stand them?", or "Wow! I would never be able to do what you do, they would drive me crazy." I usually answer with just a smile and tell them that one has to be as immature as an 8th or 7th grader to be able to handle a student that age. But, to tell you the truth, some days I do wonder how in the heck I do handle such an age group. The girls are usually pretty easy, but it helps that I am a man in the 25-34 age range. I don't think they would ever give me any trouble. However, the boys are a different story. The sports guys are usually my buddies and will talk baseball, football, or basketball with me, then never think of upsetting me in class for their new found respect from one of their teachers on a similar level might disappear faster than their homework or pencil. But, for the rest of the young gentleman, which I add very loosely, it is another story. Most of them resemble squirrels or a young puppy. In fact, I witnessed a couple boys in my class the other day, when were outside for an outdoor break, barking at two dogs across the parking lot. I thought to myself, what is the difference between these groups of species?

Back to the point, I could go on an on about classroom management, citing sources from the Internet, like I did in college. But, really, when it comes down to it, you just have to be patient and easy going. Most teachers feel that the louder they yell and more mean they look, the more respect they demand. That might scare a 3rd grader into doing exactly what you want, but a middle school kid will just despise you for it. We aren't hired to make friends, but we aren't hired to make enemies either. I feel that the more understanding a teacher can be of who they are really teaching each day, the better classroom environment they will have, and probably will have a much more enjoyable career.

Here are a few fun links: (Sports Guy) (History Geek) (Love Comedy)  (for Concerts)


  1. Great job! Students and parents alike would find it beneficial to look at your blog!

  2. Well said! I like your philosophy on classroom management, especially the comment about some teachers feeling the need to yell and scream louder and longer--high school students don't take very well to that either. Nice blog.

  3. Patient and easy going is the key bro! Nice work!
